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Writer's pictureToni Kenyon

What's Your Definition of the Perfect Morning?

Something for you to ponder this morning. What’s your big rock? And what I mean by that question is:

What’s the one thing you need to do today to make a big difference in your life, but somehow you just don’t seem to be able to find the time to do it?

Or another way of putting it, what positive habit can you cultivate that’s going to have the biggest and most immediate impact on your life?

Take a moment to meditate on this question.

We’re talking any area of your life.

  • Healthy eating

  • Giving up a bad habit

  • Exercise

  • Mindfulness

  • Getting ahead in your job

  • Improving your business

  • More time with the kids

  • A date night with yourself or your significant other--or how about both?

  • A new hobby

  • Abandoning the negative news

  • Removing a toxic person from your sphere of living

The list is endless...

Once you’ve chosen the ‘big thing’ that you want to work on we’re going to work out how you can begin by making it a part of your morning routine.

Think about this. Visualise your perfect morning routine. No stress. No rushing. Imagine yourself having time for everything on your list.

Maybe you’ll have time for a long, hot shower. Maybe you’ll sit in your favourite chair by the window and read a couple of chapters of your book while you leisurely eat breakfast. Maybe you’ll find time to work on that side-gig that you’ve been meaning to get ahead on. Or maybe you’re just going to take the dog for a long walk.

I know that there’s a lot of “maybes” in the last paragraph, but the key to starting a new habit is working out what’s most important to you, putting it on your to do list and carving out some time in your morning routine to start your day well.

Paint a picture in vivid colours that excites you and makes you want to change. We’ll work out the ‘boring practicalities’ of how to find the time to fit everything in later.

But, you need to get really clear on how your new morning is going to look. Visualise in as much detail as possible. If you’re a journal keeper (like me) write it in your journal. Pinterest the hell out of that vision. Do what you need to do to get down to the nitty gritty details.

Why’s this part so important? Because then you have an end goal and you can’t make any real changes unless you know where you want to end up. You need to know where that destination is before you plan the way to get there.

Don’t stop fine tuning until you’re completely certain of where you want to go. That’s all today’s about--getting clear on what you want and how you’ll get there.

Don’t forget, you’re just imagining and visualising at the moment--but the imagination, when it’s peppered with intent and visualisation--has a way of making itself into reality. At least that’s my experience.

Lots of love,

Toni x

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