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Toni Kenyon
May 31, 20221 min read
Worm Tea for your Herbs & Garden
Is it worm tea or leachate? Frankly, I don't care and the debate can rage around me. I've been putting the liquid that comes out of my...

Toni Kenyon
May 21, 20222 min read
How to feed your herbs in pots
Keeping anything alive in a pot has its issues. Fortunately, herbs are a hardy bunch and usually thrive in a pot. They're often described...

Toni Kenyon
May 7, 20223 min read
How to prune & harvest your herbs
Today we're looking at the best ways to prune and harvest your herbs to keep them in tip-top-shape and keep them producing. We'll also...

Toni Kenyon
Apr 25, 20222 min read
What's the difference between an Annual, Biennial or Perennial herb?
It's my belief that a lot of people think that they're killing their herbs when, in actual fact, they don't understand the life cycle of...

Toni Kenyon
Apr 11, 20223 min read
Best tips for watering your herb planter
How much water do my herbs need? It's a question that I get asked and one that can be answered in so many ways. Oftentimes we don't talk...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 26, 20221 min read
6 Week Weed Wisdom Challenge
Have you joined our 6 week challenge yet? Herbs have been referred to as 'weeds' from the dawn of time. Why weeds? Well, because weeds...

Toni Kenyon
Nov 27, 20213 min read
How to make Lemon Balm Syrup
Join me as I wander the garden admiring its spring growth. We'll check in on the bees and the ever-present chickens always make...

Toni Kenyon
Oct 10, 20212 min read
Basil - Medicinal Uses
Most people know Basil for its culinary uses, or at most for putting pots of Basil on the kitchen window sill to repel flies. Where is...

Toni Kenyon
Sep 26, 20211 min read
Growing, Drying & Processing Nasturtium from my Home Herb Garden
Welcome to my 518 sqm urban garden! I grow herbs, fruit and vegetables in a suburban backyard in New Zealand. The chickens and the bees...

Toni Kenyon
Sep 6, 20211 min read
Late Winter 2021 Garden & Hoophouse Tour
It's very early spring as I post this on the blog. I like to take video of the garden to document it as much for myself as anyone else....

Toni Kenyon
Aug 22, 20213 min read
Home Cures for the 'Common Cold'
The cold doesn't seem quite so 'common' any more--especially when we're living in a lockdown/pandemic world. The 'common cold' used to...

Toni Kenyon
Aug 15, 20213 min read
Garden Herbs for Health: Rosemary
While most people associate Rosemary with a good Sunday night roast dinner, I like to think about how this aromatic plant to help me with...

Toni Kenyon
Aug 1, 20215 min read
Making Your Own Seasoning Combinations from Herbs
There's nothing I love more than throwing a handful of fresh herbs into my cooking. It's almost an evening meditation for me, pottering...

Toni Kenyon
Jul 18, 20213 min read
Herbal Tea - My Midday Meditation
Someone asked me recently what I put in my herbal tea and I thought it was an interesting question, because I don't really think about...

Toni Kenyon
May 19, 20213 min read
Herbs for Winter Wellness
It's the time of the year when I turn my mind to what I need to be 'brewing' to keep me well over the coming cooler months. There are so...

Toni Kenyon
May 3, 20212 min read
Herb Garden Maintenance for Autumn
There's no doubt that an affordable, easy and great way to enhance the flavour of your foods is to have your own herb garden at your...

Toni Kenyon
Apr 27, 20214 min read
Herbs You Can Happily Plant Together
Like most of us, Herbs like to hang out in groups. You'll have better results in your Herb garden if you group your herb plants based on...

Toni Kenyon
Apr 20, 20213 min read
5 Mistakes Beginners make when Growing Herbs
Growing from seed As much as I love growing herbs from seed, sometimes they don't love me. Starting any kind of plant in the garden from...

Toni Kenyon
Apr 8, 20214 min read
8 Herbs to Grow in your Kitchen*
You all know that I believe the best place to grow herbs is out in the garden but if that's not an option for you, we've also covered off...

Toni Kenyon
Apr 3, 20214 min read
8 Tips for Growing Herbs Indoors
You all know that my preference for growing herbs is outside in my kitchen garden. But if you haven't got the space, or the climate is...
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